AMIUBCSMAS 0.3 or Alberto's Most Incomplete, Undocumented and Badly Coded Stars! Mapper, Analyzer and Simulator (called "StarAna", as in STARs! ANAlyzer, by friends) WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES - Given a set of map/pla/fle files and some additional data you provide (race designs and any other stuff you feel like typing in such as planetary stats and queues), it performs a simulation of the "future" for N years, taking into account: pop growth, queue construction, mineral usage, mineral mining, concentration decay, terraforming (approximate), fleets carrying pop/minerals. - The information (both the one from the files and from the simulation) can be accessed on-screen through windows and browsers. Also, a report-log file with all the information is generated. The information includes: habitability tables, planetary growth/production/mining/terraforming, "suggestions" about pop filling threshold crossing and mineral shipment, global empire stats (pop growth, resource growth, total minerals/mining, etc). - Generate a set of maps not normally available in stars, the list is too long to be written, since it features some kind of "basic functions" that you can compose to generate more complex displays. You can have the "space ownership display" as in starmap as well as all the stars! display types plus lots more..... Some examples: * Population * Population filling (color changes at 25%/33%) * Population growth * Resource output * Report Age * Gate coverage * Mining rate * Mineral concentration * Surface minerals * "Global" habitability The multi-valued displays such as surface minerals or concentrations use a method which is more intuitive than the Stars! histogram: basically makes a planet look bigger if it's good, the marker is a pie chart indicating the proportion. A 100/1/1 mineral concentration world is a fat blue ball, while a 1/50/100 one is a fat ball 2/3 yellow and 1/3 green. "Global" habitability exploits this method to put the habitability for ALL races on a single display. Useful in team games. - The fleet information can be displayed in the same way as the planetary one. Unfortunately, the reduced amount of data of the .fle files make this display less useful. It can provide some useful displays, anyway, such as drawing the "triangles" of a size related to the fleet composition, mass or cargo, which allows for very fast spotting of the important fleets. WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT - Run smoothly and without problems, even if I have smoothed out most of the problems of the last version it is still a hacked thing. - Play the game for you. WANNA TRY IT? You can see some screen shots and read a sample report-log file at: You can download the AMIUBCSMAS 0.3 package from that page as well. Note: this version is definitely more user-friendly than the old ones, including more and more windows which permit to access all the data in an intuitive way. Still, it's not an "install and click" application: you'll need to use your brain to use it. Anyway, if you're able to play Stars! you should have no difficulty.